Abraham Lincoln: A compass, I learnt when I was surveying, it'll... it'll point you True North from where you're standing, but it's got no advice about the swamps and dessert and chasm that you'll encounter along the way. If in pursuit of your destination, you plunge ahead, heedl
Andy Serkis在动作捕捉的技术下的演技出神入化,你能想象猩猩凯撒和指环王里的咕噜是一个人演的么?其实这部电影的隐喻是显而易见的,哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗,在铺垫足够多的人类残忍与虚伪之后,最终的情感对冲高潮合情合理的到来了。