商业的好莱坞很难做出日漫的末世孤独和失落感(即使已经很好的edge of tomorrow都需要一个HE来安抚观众)说到底只是一个新圈钱动作片系列罢了。听到berserker的时候我仿佛看到了魔法少女伊莉雅(划掉)以及诺顿聚聚拿下眼镜那一幕真的笑炸!Waltz叔叔演的医生爸爸我可以的❤️Jennifer Connelly真·腿玩年,美到窒息。
Quand un film cherche à nous forcer à rire, c'est forcément aussitôt vu aussitôt oublié
couldnot say I understand their world and thoughts completely. so messed up but it's like everyone is exploring. better than before the first four seasons. Hanna has a beautiful face a fat body a nice voice and a kick ass attitude but a loser`s life. shoshanna has the eyebrows of