最近一直在看金凯瑞。他真的是个talented actor 。今晚一个人快要看完的时候,突然和朋友聊起来,才知道他得了抑郁症。他一直是个很乐观很活泼的人,听到的这个消息时候心里觉得很苦涩。聊天的一整个两个钟都觉得心里很沉闷。我告诉他要好好的,要热爱生活,世界属于活着的我们,you won’t want to die with a virgin. 他心情也渐渐好起来,互相道了晚安以后我继续看这部电影。谢谢金凯瑞。谢谢你带给我的生活这么多的欢笑。祝你早日康复。love and peace.
【When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world.Its not, its just the beginning. I mean you might have to meet a few more jerks. One day, you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. 】我真的炒鸡喜欢这个片儿!!!