- The movie is surprisingly gd and funny... - I like the way the movie is telling what sells in fairy tale not necessary applicable in the real world, and mostly are broken hearts in the world and not a happy ending, but if you insist, you can still find
朱亚文最后拿了冠军,真是让我觉得原来市场对于 Sex sell 这一套还是这么吃。能不能有点人性?别老把自己当成动物,好不好?看看赵立新老师的优雅和绝傲于一身,感受下梅婷的张口跪哭,还有韩雪小姐的多变和深情。周一围和张鲁一的荷尔蒙就比不过朱亚文了?令人气愤。