Just can't help giving it a big thumbs-up for all the cuteness and courageous attempts to uncover the unspeakable shame we all share. Maybe we can solve the problem in one episode, who knows, if we try. Looking forward to seeing how things turn out with Julia.
Women help women! 几位因犯事而被关押在牢狱中的女性协同女狱警,为被丈夫陷害而因杀人罪入狱的“公主”平反,并报复那个该死的男人。主线剧情外也展开了每位女犯人的身世或入狱原因。 马场大妈和女狱警,一个单细胞,一个严厉急性子,对戏时的化学反应是我的最爱,她俩的形象应该也是这个连续剧中最鲜明的;极度自信的女作家的性格也很有趣。 Lead-in不行,开场就一下子出现过多女角,看得很混乱;杀人案件的翻盘也只是过家家而已,看个痛快罢了。