9.0黄秋生,卫诗雅,林家栋,麦子乐,吴俐璇,陈佩思,舩木壱辉,魏幽兰,苏伟曜,赵文俊,李耀曙,叶清风,蔡宝珠,蔡炜祥,李育萳,黄千恩,张欣怡,陈怡茵,罗敏儿,麦贵源,蔡子洋 Chye Yang,张宝权,陈鸿,林正中,吴润玲,林莅敏,官政全,林嘉仪,亨齐·安达拉斯,黄伟雄,李丽芬,Muhamad Muzaffar bin Mad.Noor,Samsuri Shahrom,蔡俐珉,林廷优,叶君雯,李伟耀,黄伊斐,黄章权,陈政荣,吴有财,周姝颐,邓耀文,赵家福,孙福财,林佳佳,郑进勇,江金汉,林豪胜,叶俊晖,唐福强
4.0克里斯托弗·尼古拉斯·史密斯,克洛伊·森格瑞,杰西卡·泰勒·布朗,哈莉·福特,达斯汀·英格拉姆,乔安娜·布拉迪,凯蒂·菲德斯通,斯普雷吉·格雷登,劳伦·比特纳,Brian Boland,William Juan Prieto,Jackson Xenia Prieto,Paitoon Cheng,Eddie Medrano,Rebecca Delgado Smith
He was ashamed, and he kept on being ashamed. He kept the shame going by having sex with men, 'cause that's what shame dose, it makes him think he deserves it. They are dying, and think, I brought this on myself. It's my fault because the sex that I love is killing me. The perfect virus came along to prove you right. He died because of you.