so many good tv and good events happening in the 80s. so good to be not expecting any plots or depth while mounting to something the top. ross is the tender thinker with embarressment. Dorothy is the caring one with judgement. Sophia is the wise one with mouth. blanche is something human looking forward to. good heart with proper humour.
《罗斯玛丽的婴儿》的叙事结构让我联想起《第六感》,同样是在漫长的铺垫后,才逐渐开始让我感受到“恐怖”氛围。电影里的前戏比《驱魔人》更吸引我,在赫斯突然意外昏迷后,故事情节也愈加诡异、扑朔迷离,剧情发展到高潮结尾也便豁然开朗(This is no dream! This is really happening! 这不是梦!这是真的!),可惜直到电影结束也没有看到令我好奇的婴儿样貌。—— ……罗斯玛丽在电话亭打电话的长镜头拍得挺赞,她见到希尔医生后的戏份让我担心接下来要发生不好的情况,结果不出所料……除了那个奇怪的梦境外,电影比较少有现代恐怖片那种“吓人”的镜头,更多是通过故事情节细节让观众“恐惧感”,对我而言是部比较独特另类的恐怖片。